INNER-ALCHEMY : Transformation Program

Transformation is our pathway to freedom

Are you ready to catalyze your awakening?

INNER-ALCHEMY is a 3- or 6-month transformation program designed for seekers who are struggling to know your purpose. You shed limitation, reawaken your inner knowing, and embrace the extraordinary within. We work with some of the most impactful modalities available - from shamanism and mysticism to brain rewiring and somatic science - so you can anchor freedom, empowerment, and wonder into your life.

Through our work, you learn to . . .

Move beyond your edges into the Mystery. Reawaken awe, wonder, and inspiration for your journey. Cleanse conditioning, limiting beliefs, and old patterns to see with clear perspective. Embody the version of yourself you see you can be. Unlock a limitless perspective of freedom and alignment. Face the once challenging outer situations and inner discomforts with calmness, confidence, and resourcefulness. Rediscover the power of your voice and take full responsibility for your potential. Look in the mirror and be in true love and alliance with who you see.

Say YES to a life where you can show up more present, at ease, and as you.

Somatic Experiencing in Utah | Family Constellations in Utah | Shamanic healing in Utah

“Sage has truly transformed my healing journey with her safe and supportive container . . . I have witnessed my body heal itself in ways I never thought possible. The sacred space she creates is unlike any other I have experienced, allowing me to open up to new possibilities in my body, business, and personal relationships.

- Ana

Here is The Path

Our work is a process of self-integration and awakening.

Acknowledge and honor your inner-parts discover your truth

Lovingly recover fragmented pieces of yourself embrace your wholeness

Clarify and claim your intention live in your full potential

Through this journey, we uncover archetypal fractals, unburden the pain of your ancestors, and retrieve lost soul parts so that you can step fully into life.

INNER-ALCHEMY sessions are an integration of transformative tools to take you deep inside and beyond -


The foundation of our work is Awakening. When you remember who you are, you can be an active agent in creation and play with reality.


Through the lens of Somatic Experiencing, we use practices that integrate psyche (soul) + soma (body) to restore regulation to the autonomic nervous system. We reawaken your innate, bodily knowing.


What if the source of your problems in life did not originate with you? Through Systemic Family Constellations, we free you from intergenerational entanglements blocking your way forward.


Through this process, we access the Theta state to induce neural plasticity (the brain’s ability to rewire and form new connections) - helping you to move from survival to repair and potentiality.


Internal Family Systems is a modality that reconciles inner-parts and protectors so that you can live from the perspective of your radiant Self.


When awareness is brought to the breath, space is made for surrender and deepening into the natural, cyclic, and clearing process. This is a journey experience of patterned breathing.


  • Systemic Family Constellations unfold through an immersive process that interconnects the past, present, and future into a unified relationship. During Inner-Alchemy sessions, we tune into the Knowing Field of Consciousness to understand ancestral entanglements that are blocking your flow of life.

    Learn more >

  • so·m​at·​ics: practices that use the integration of psyche (soul) + soma (body) to settle into deep awareness of internal perception and outward connection

    ​A trauma-informed, somatic approach to healing offers the potential to explore the whole being. Somatics holds that the mind, body, spirit, and emotions are interconnected. We restore this connection between body and psyche to unlock and resolve blocks in the autonomic nervous system that cause disconnection. By working somatically, we slow down and tune into the body's language of sensation and memory.

    Past and ongoing dysregulation can appear in the body as physical symptoms, such as:

    • chronic pain + illness

    • sluggishness + fatigue

    • hormonal challenges

    • muscular tension + holding

    • digestive challenges

    • sexual dysfunction

    • sleeping troubles

    • shortness of breath

    • headaches + migraines

    • numbness/dissociation​

    Somatics draws from the studies of psychology, ethology, physiology, indigenous practices, and neuroscience. It is grounded in the innate belief that the body knows how to heal and resolve trauma. The work we do is largely considered bottom up, which means that we receive direction from the body itself. Through a curious and compassionate approach, we follow the body's movements and sensations to release and tune into channels of resiliency.

    Some techniques we may use:​

    • sensory awareness + tracking

    • breathing practices

    • grounding + settling guided meditations

    • building resources for resiliency

    • titration - oscillation between distressing + calm memories/sensations

    • tension + release

    • amplification + awareness of movement

    • boundary work

    • gentle self-touch

    • self-regulation

  • Parts work embraces the complexities of our multi-faceted beings. In Internal Family Systems, these inner-parts are teased away from your radiant Self.

    We explore and hold the exiled parts (trauma responses, painful feelings, and negative beliefs) and protector parts (ways you have learned to hide and protect the wounded parts). As we move through life, parts can take on more extreme roles in our systems and unintentionally cause discordances.

    Parts work is a Self-led process, meaning we reconnect to your unbroken core. This Self is infinitely compassionate, curious, courageous, calm, wise, confident, and creative. When in self-energy, you are able to regain the trust of parts and help them return to more helpful roles.

    We move through feelings, sensations, urges, memories, and images held in the body. You are guided through the mazes of challenging emotions and beliefs to reclaim love, redesign your core beliefs, and help you rediscover yourself.

  • How you breathe can be an indicator of how you live. There is often an unconscious pattern of holding back the breath, controlling the exhale, or forcing the breath. When awareness is brought to the breath, space is made for surrender and deepening into the natural, cyclic, and clearing process. Stresses, traumas, and entangled patterns may surface and release.

    This is a deep and safe process of accessing the unconscious to bring awareness and insights to the surface. We hold onto trauma somatically, so we are able to uncover these energies through diaphragmatic breathing. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, so our breath is able to meet and discharge stuck tensions and traumatic experiences stored in the body.

    Using a conscious, connected method, breathwork returns us to our essence and opens the heart into compassion. It is a practice of softening into parts of the self that may be tensed and suppressed, as well as activating expanded states of consciousness. Alongside the breath, engaging in gentle inquiry processes can unravel blocks around birth, childhood, relationships, sexuality, boundaries, and core fears. Awareness of these resonances can make space to breathe deeper into life.

    During the process, the breather lays back and breathes through the mouth in a circular, intentional, and continuous pattern.

    Possible experiences through breathwork include visionary activation, awareness and softening of tension held in the body, and a deeply introspective state. At times when energies are moving, the body may release through crying, shaking, or clenching of the hands or jaw. You are supported through the process and gently guided with other modalities including:

    • somatic practices for resourcing and energy-release

    • activation of and working with the subtle body

    • engagement with the senses through sacred herbs and flowers, medicinal music, orienting, and self-soothe processes

    After breathwork, many report feeling a greater sense of aliveness, connection, and self-love.

    • Ritual

    • Body awareness + exploratory movement techniques

    • Ecopsychology

    • Dreamwork

    • Integrative chronic illness support

    • Expressive arts

    • Liberation + Depth Psychology

    • Mindfulness practices

    • Energy release + balancing

“I have worked with many facilitators in the past, but I must say that Sage is by far the most knowledgeable and skilled I have ever had the pleasure of working with. Her extensive experience and knowledge of family systems and other modalities has been instrumental in helping me navigate through some of the most difficult times in my life.”


Applying to Work Together -

Please fill out the application to determine if we are a good fit for each other. From there, you will contacted to schedule a consultation call, where you can learn about the different options in working together.

The Inner-Alchemy process is akin to a shamanic journey, going into deep spaces of the multidimensional psyche to recover parts of yourself. The sessions are potent and will require commitment, an open mind and heart, and creating time for integration afterwards. It is my own commitment to hold reverence, radical acceptance, and trust for the unfolding of your process. Sessions generally take place virtually over Zoom.

Follow-Up Sessions + Packages -

*Only available for recurring clients

“If you want the moon, do not hide from the night.”