Ancestral Liberation

What if your challenges in life did not originate with you?

In our process of ancestral liberation, we explore intergenerational and collective imprints. We tap into the knowing field of consciousness. We release what is holding you back so you can rise into and fully embody your intentions.

Ancestral healing through a systemic + shamanic lens

Interweaving of parts work + Somatic Experiencing

Shamanic journeying to integrate your life’s purpose

Revelatory healing movements to receive your power

Hidden ancestral dynamics can often shape our relationships, our health, our sense of worth, and our ability to live fully in our potential. These intergenerational bonds form patterns of love and belonging that echo through our own cells and inform our lives.

Together, we discover what is blocking you from the reality you desire. Our process unfolds through an immersive healing process that integrates the past, present, and future.

When we open our awareness, we can work from the understanding that our symptoms today actually make sense given the struggles—whether known or unknown—of our ancestors. When we unearth the invisible loyalties to and entanglements with these ancestors, we can bring a movement to release the family conscience’s governing rules writing suffering. We bring parts back into order for more flow within the system. You learn to feel who you are without the burdens of ancestral and collective blocks, resistances, and traumas that have influenced your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. We work through your intention and vision for your life to uncover the shadow blocking the way.

Through the frameworks of shamanism, Systemic Family Constellations, and somatic principles, we clear interferences and begin to discover the roots of present challenges, anxieties, and limits. This work is phenomenological, meaning we work with “what is” and open without an agenda. When we step into the field, we enter into transpersonal, transgenerational space. It’s a type of soul-work that is challenging to express with words, yet being in it, we touch a knowing of what is possible.

Learn More:

Phenomenology | Orders of Love

You can also see the TV shows Another Self and Thank the Past on Netflix, which feature the work of Systemic Family Constellations.

Looking to work together?

Ancestral Liberation is a core foundation of our process together and is embedded into sessions.

RITUAL : Energetic Journey

An in-person awakening journey with the breath, body, sound, and spirit. Over 3 hours together, we weave a deep ritual of remembrance and purification that transcends time and story to embrace all you are.

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INNER-ALCHEMY : Transformation Program

A spiritual alignment program over a series of months to journey into the recesses of your soul, release blocks and step into the life you were born to live. We integrate somatic science with the vision of a path of awakening. This is a transpersonal path to reawaken the soul into your infinite wholeness.

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Join us for group Family Constellations, which allow you to step deeper into the field and multiple representatives.

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