Sacred Mysteries of the Womb:

7-Day Course to Unlock the Secrets of the Feminine

Guided Virtual Course | Videos, Meditation Journeys, Deepening into the Womb

Can you hear her? The voice within? The sound of gentleness and power, of receptiveness and self-confidence, of magic and truth? For so long, so many generations, her power has been thwarted, covered, and blocked.

Yet now, there is a great awakening into her mystery. Now, ancient voices are calling you to remember the Unnamable, to rediscover the Ineffable, to remember Who You Are. Your womb is a doorway, a portal, into the Great Womb of creation.

And now, we rise together to release the illusory bonds around our power. We rise for ourselves. We rise for our relations. We rise for Earth. We rise for All.

Welcome to a sacred journey to decode the mysteries of the womb. Each day, we explore a pathway to understand the wisdom within our body, release collective imprints, and cleanse the wombspace to claim our birthright as creatrixes.

Alongside virtual daily teachings, daily meditations, and journal prompts, you work with feminine consciousness to unburden this mystical space and open into your potential.

Awakening the Divine Feminine within . . .

The womb carries our ancestral memories: the many disavowed parts of the feminine throughout history are imprinted here, along with the dormant memories of Divine Feminine power that may hold the keys to our healing.

Humans are part of a larger web of life, and the Earth herself holds a repository of memories that lead us towards the Mystery. As the source of new life, the womb is our bridge between the individual and these collective memories - and the womb is also our portal to the Great Mother, the Fertile Void of creation that holds all potentiality.

When we dissolve the programming and blocks, we can access a flow of nondual awareness and create, as is our birthright to do so. We can access the energies of all potentiality through the potency of the womb, our center of creation and microcosmic connection to all of creation.

During the week of this course, you open into an intention you are holding to claim your Divine Feminine power for your life.

Working through the layers of the womb, you are guided to uncover any energetics blocking you from claiming your intention in full power and confidence.

We look into history to trace back the oppression of the womb and remember the Goddess. Each day, you work with a different focus of the womb to disentangle programming, ancestral traumas, disconnection, and fear.

You learn to call upon the Divine Feminine in your lineage to re-embody and re-member all the codes your body holds for you to manifest and flow in life.

- Instructional videos for the course and forming powerful intentions, history of the womb’s oppression and ancient cultures that understood it’s power

- Daily course page: 7+ daily videos, daily guided audio healing journeys, daily morning + evening journaling questions

- Deepening Workbook: 39-pg. PDF for daily inquiry + healing your relationship to the womb’s seasons

Your Womb Journey…

  • Pre-Course

    Understand the historical context of what your womb holds. Weave your intentions. Create an altar to empower your process. Reframe your relationship to your body’s cycles and the cycles of nature.

  • Day 1: Your Womb's Story

    Uncover the story of your womb and gently begin communication with her, creating safety and trust. Release voices from yourself to rediscover who you are.

  • Day 2: Healing for My Grandmothers

    Release ancestral entanglements of disempowerment in your ancestry. Activate the support of healthy ancestors. Step into the power of living with a womb.

  • Day 3: Prayer for Earth's Womb

    Ground into the nourishing cocoon of Mother Earth’s frequency. Journey to Earth’s heart to clear and reconnect to your womb.

  • Day 4: Sacred Union

    Realign the archetypal masculine and feminine energies within you that exist beyond gender. Integrate these energies by activating your Merkaba light body.

  • Day 5: Feeling My Voice, Finding My Path

    Empower your frequency of creation by healing your voice. Strengthen your boundaries. Clarify your expression.

  • Day 6: The Holy Grail

    Journey into the Sacred Mystery of the nondual. Connect to the portal of the womb to re-member this inherent sacredness and untouchable power.

  • Day 7: Limpieza - The Grand Cleansing

    Complete the deep cleansing of your process with the support of the goddesses. Alchemize your pain into wisdom, strength, and confidence to share your unique medicine with the world.

  • Integration

    Close your process and step forward into life with the Divine Feminine awakened within.

This week may support:

Physical Flow

  • Uncover energetics blocking fertility

  • Ease the healing path of pregnancy release + loss

  • Reconnect to the Divine Feminine to soothe menstrual health challenges

  • Bring balance back into your energetic body to relax the stresses of menopausal symptoms

Emotional Unburdening

  • Soothing relational wounds

  • Finding empowerment in healing sexual trauma (person, ancestral, collective)

  • Discovering trauma-informed ways to speak to yourself with curiosity + love

  • Freeing your voice to set boundaries, create, and express

Energetic + Spiritual Healing

  • Unlocking the Divine Feminine power within

  • Unburdening and deepening your connection to your female ancestors

  • Opening your energetic channels to connect to your magic

  • Feeling the support of the Great Mother and remembering the mystery of the Great Cosmic Womb, the Fertile Void, the nondual

DISCLAIMER: The use and application of our products and services is at the customer’s discretion, responsibility, and risk. All information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation or medical or psychological treatment for a specific use. Products are offered for their ethnographic and historical value only.

*For this journey, please choose a week during which you have time for yourself for relaxation, purification, and deepening. This process is not suitable during menstruation or pregnancy (process can be altered during pregnancy; please reach out to discuss). For those who bleed, this process may cause more symptoms during the following bleeding cycle as the womb cleanses.

Many women hold pain and trauma in their wombspace - whether it be personal, ancestral, collective, or archetypal. As we let go of pain of the past, we can more wholly accept and embody our potential. This process may cause a range of emotional and energetic experiences, so please seek support if you need it. Scheduling sessions are available here and communication via email is encouraged.

Ready to heal and empower your womb?